Trench Drain Pans: are all pitched from the entry floor level to the opposite wall with minimal slope. This style of shower pan is a good option for transfer and roll-in operations. Often prescribed for areas that sometimes require close courters and possible garments or toweling inside the shower area. The greater benefit is the large drain area preventing likely drain blockage. Unlike most similar drain systems, the Grifform® Trench Drains are made completely of durable and sustainable solid surface. Even more attractive is the drain covers can be removed for cleaning without any tools and provisions have been provided for sanitizing the complete drain assembly. These are excellent options for tub replacement applications because of size and configuration are so similar.
The added value of “Overflow Protection” makes Grifform® the premiere product. For the care provider, assistance is greatly enhanced by accessibility and less danger from water spillage and unnoticeable restriction at the entrance greatly reduce safety issues while assisted bathing is required.
For more information check out our Overflow Protection Information Page